Soothing, smoothing, sublime Sandalwood Nut Oil is one of the most luscious lipids we have ever applied to our skin. This opulent oil is freshly pressed through the process of super-critical extraction from Sandalwood nuts grown in the wilds of Western Australia. While this rare oil is hard to find, it is an ancient emollient, Sandalwood Nut Oil is a staple of indigenous Australian life and is still used by modern day indigenous communities.
Botanical Name: Santalum spicatum
Botanical Family: Santalaceae
Extraction Method: Cold Pressed
Part of Plant Distilled: Nut
Country of Origin: Australia
Cultivation Method: Organic
Composition: 100% Santalum spicatum
Consistency: Medium
Scent Description: Mild, woodsy base notes of green balsam beneath subtle top notes of nutty goodness.
In Living Libations: Supreme Sandalwood Serum, Sandalwood Best Skin Ever.
Blends well with: Sandalwood, Frankincense, Myrrh, Chamomile, Cardamom, Rose Otto, Vetiver, Lemon, Rockrose, Silver Fir, Yarrow, Laurel, Marjoram, Bergamot, Palo Santo, and Ylang.
Uses: Emollient extraordinaire. Serum for all skin.
Botanical Composition: The molecular composition is mainly comprised of longer chain fatty acids, including oleic acid (50%) and ximenynic acid (30-35%).
For centuries, indigenous Australians used the oil from Sandalwood Nuts to soften their hair and to moisturize facial skin, especially from the drying desert environment. Sandalwood Nuts have also been crushed and made into poultices, then placed on the facial skin to form a mask, making the appearance of the skin smoother, softer, and tauter.
The molecular composition of Sandalwood Nut Oil is mainly longer chain fatty acids, and these lush lipids make the oil special for skincare. Thanks to the presence of these lipids, Sandalwood Nut Oil can be used to improve the appearance, texture, scars, sagging, crepey, and dry skin.
Western Australia is home to the world's largest Sandalwood plantation, a sustainable stretch of land so big it dwarfs the geographical area of France some three times over! Partnerships are currently being formed with various indigenous tribes to involve them in the ecological sustainment of the land and the Sandalwood Nut trees.